The following are the ministry arms of Cornerstone Gateway Church (CGC). These ministries are the life line of the church that provides ministry output to the people within and outside the church. Through these ministries we would like to serve and reach out to our communities and our nation. Therefore, our ministry exists to serve all people from all race, color and creed with message of love. It is our desire to preach the Gospel to various multitudes and give every soul a chance to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.

Eph 4:12-13
12 unto the perfecting of the saints, for a work of ministration, for a building up of the body of the Christ, 13 till we may all come to the unity of the faith and of the recognition of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to a measure of stature of the fulness of the Christ


This is the gathering of the father’s and sons coming for an hour of fellowship to forge a new culture based on unity in the Spirit. Through this ministry man are gathered to pray together, encourage each other, discuss issues affecting our church, families, and nation and many other things that are necessary and essential for men to grow as a Christian.

The ministry also plan other activities, such as providing outreach to other districts, provinces and other centers to assist other males in their spiritual well being as well as their daily Christian live.

Men's Ministry is also cultivation prayers as one key priority to stand with pastoral team intercession.


It is the belief of the CGC that the fundamental role of women is to be specialist home maker and an industrious ruler of the home with her comforting love for the family. Proverbs chapter 31:12-31 outlines the model motherhood qualities of a dedicated, passionate, loving and industrious mother.

The CGC Women Ministry is a powerful gathering of faithful mothers and daughters coming together for prayer, fellowship and develop ideas to enhance themselves as Christian within our society. Women ministry also cultivated a life of prayer and intersession to empower women in their faith.


The CGC Youth Ministry (CYM) believes in the young generation because they are potential leaders of tomorrow and they must be taught by the Word of God properly. Therefore, preparing the next generation is our rigorous responsibility with menace challenges. However, with Gods help we can train and equip our youths to be accountable, respectable, productive, and acceptable in the physical environment we live in. God has equipped us to live in this world He has created and He owns it. (Pas 24:1)

Here at Cornerstone we believe that all young people were compacted with gifts, abilities, potential, talents and wisdom when they were born into this world. This precious potential that must be harnessed properly before the enemy derails them, especially the youths. God has codified immeasurable potential into the life of all people of all races who live on earth, not on just a selected few. And the devil is working very hard to destroy this precious gifts in the life of all human beings. And he is beginning his major assault on the younger generation of our time by creating all kinds of problems we are faced with today.

Therefore, at CGC we will reach out to all young people through our program to show them that they are here by design. Also they must know that they are people full of talents whereby, they can use these talents to impact lives on earth. They can become a blessing to our communities, societies and nation if they use their gifts properly for the good of all. Everything begins with a thought or ideas, notice that all discovered by an individual was inside the person. By the time he harnessed the idea we call that invention or innovation or discovery. It is out firm belief that CGC youth have this qualities and potential and must utilize for God glory.


Psa 19:1-3
How clearly the sky reveals God's glory! How plainly it shows what he has done! 2 Each day announces it to the following day; each night repeats it to the next. 3 No speech or words are used, no sound is heard;

According to the above scripture Gods word must be heard day and night and the media ministry is the ministry to fulfill that role to put God's Word on Air 24 hour every day and night. Through the radio ministry God's Word is heard wherever the radio reception is received. Our live worship and recordings are played through the Wantok Radio Light.

Therefore, CGC Media Ministry is the media network of our church to take Gospel message to the nation. This ministry dose the recording of message for the radio and the TV program. The Media Ministry is a very Important Ministry that makes it possible for the messages preached at CGC be heard throughout the nation on Radio/Television and production CD and DVD.

We have anointed and skilled young people who are committed to this ministry to do production, editing, and produce qualitative media products. These young people are locally trained to administer this ministry. It is our desire that through this ministry we would like to reach every home in PNG to flood the air waves with the word of God. Not only just preach but reach out the lost soul in this nation and beyond.


Our Children’s Ministry exist to reach out to children from every language group in our city, that is our utmost priority. Our Children’s Worker are raise in-house to participate in this very important ministry to train and equip children with words of God. In our Children’s Ministry, our children are divided into their age group with teachers allocated to these respective groups for proper learning and assessment.

The spiritual development of our children is our primary goal at CGC, our main objective is to ground our children with the fundamental principles of God. Area such as creation, flood, Abraham’s family, covenant, exile in Egypt and the deliverance including other bible stories. A child is encouraged to memorize scripture verse and they are assessed by the teachers. The fascinating part of ministry is when they perform in our main service, when they present memory verse or do a dance or sing a song. Children are such a wonderful blessing.

The CGC Children Ministry has set objectives and goals to reach out to children in this nation to prepare them for the future. CGC beliefs firmly to raise up a Godly generation in Papua New Guinea for the years to come. This generation must be prepared spiritually and academically to build a Christian nation. We believe it is possible to eradicate corruption in PNG if a godly generation is raised by the church.


Psa 100:4
Enter ye His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise, Give ye thanks to Him, bless ye His Name.

1Ch 16:28-31
28 Praise the LORD, all people on earth, praise His glory and might. 29 Praise the LORD's glorious Name; bring an offering and come into His Temple. Bow down before the Holy One when He appears; 30 tremble before Him, all the earth! The earth is set firmly in place and cannot be moved. 31 Be glad, earth and sky! Tell the nations that the LORD is King.

This is the Ministry that stirs the water level at CGC to prepare the heart of the believers when they come to worship. We have a team of spirit filled worshipper and instrumentalist who participate in this explosive ministry. These worshippers are people with raw talents who have not been to any music school but skilled by God to play and lead worship. CGC worship team is firstly to ministry to God to bring His manifest presence to minister to needs of our parishioners in our service. Through the ministry of songs, we believe that all who come to worship with us will be delivered from their oppression, sickness, bondages and suppression. Also, to create an avenue for believers to connect to God directly in personal worship for release and breakthrough

Our worship team prepare themselves for our services by praying, practice, reassessing and studying the word daily to be used by God. Rely on the anointing and empowering of the Holy Spirit to a conduit of blessing to the church and our nation. In the years ahead we will do live recording and make our worship available to Christians to access them.


The leadership of CGC believes that Israel and the Church must forge a partner in the end time for the return of Jesus Christ. The reaching out to the Jews people is a very important mission according to biblical theology. Paul in his letter to the church in Rome was very explicit that it is God desire to redeem Israel and possible the whole of Israel can be save (V.26).

Therefore, when Apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Ephesian church he mentioned that the wall of separation will be removed and Jews and Gentile will form the ONE NEW MAN IN CHRIST JESUS. (Eph 2:14-17)

CGC Ministry Flower

2Ch 4:19-21

Solomon also made all the equipment in God’s temple: the gold altar; the tables on which to put the bread of the Presence; 20. The lamp-stands and their lamps of pure gold to burn in front of the inner sanctuary according to specifications; 21. the flowers, lamps, and gold tongs--of purest gold;

A diagram has been developed to give the key players or the core team further insight into CGCs inner Ministry operations. This provides just ideas that will be reviewed in the future as we flow with our current Vision and Mission objectives. The measuring and evaluation of our progress will require critical

analysis to foster new direction from God. This diagram is called “THE CGC MINISTRY FLOWER.” It must be assessed with promptness and relevant questions with notations. Even suggestion papers can be written to the Senior Pastor.

Ministry FLower


The internal operation of Cornerstone Gateway Church is the life line of its existence as we have mentioned earlier. Our in-house operation is called the “CGC FLOWR”, which must bloom and produce fragrance to permeate our world. This is the nerve center of our CGC where our focus is people; this is our core business because Jesus Christ died for them. It is our firm belief that the dynamics of our church must be vibrant, spirit filled, word centric and faith based.

All our core ministries play a very important role in complimenting each other, because we exist for a common purpose; to demonstrate Christ likeness in our lives. Then, to the communities where we live. Our ministries must have a proactive committee appointed to move all ministries into motion anticipating success.


In the very center of our Spiritual Enterprising is the Core People Groups (CPG). They are the Children, Youth, Women and Men that make up the Cornerstone Gateway Church. In any social or environment whether civilized uncivilized societies, these four people groups are found in towns, cities, communities and villages. These are people God has saved from their bondages of sin into his glorious light. The other expression that can substitute the CPG is found in one word “Family” and when they are touched by God, greater is the commitment! In the local church they make all other ministries function. Ministries such as worship, prayer, evangelism, counseling and visitation are executed by the CPG.

CGC believes every child, young adults, man and women are her priceless inheritance and assert that makes CGC significant as a church. Without these people we simply cease to exist. As a flower they must grow and bloom and it is the duty of all ministry leaders to ensure that their ministry is effectively executing duties.

When we grow in these ministries, the church is growing numerically, financially, spiritually and influentially in the city. The bible says that:

Psalm 92:12-13

The righteous will flourish like the palm trees; they will grow like the cedars of Lebanon. 13 They are like trees planted in the house of the LORD, which flourishes in the Temple of our God.

The flower must grow into a tree to produce different colors and we are to grow together in oneness. These ministries must be like the tree planted in the house of the Lords.

There are other ministries in the church that play a complimentary role with the core people group planted in the house of the Lord.

CGC counts on her ministry leadership and must be explained in two ways:
(a) Core Ministries and
(b) Complementary Ministries.


The outer ministries are the following ministries such as: pastoral, deaconship, admin, board, worship, prayer, teaching, media, kingdom influencer, professional, evangelism visitation and counseling. The Core People Group (Fathers, Mothers, Youths and Children) are the people, who are involved in the complimentary ministry to make these ministry cycle work.

A classic example is the Prayer Ministry in the church. It is effective when all believers are involved in praying together or in corporate worship service. It requires a collective participation from the congregation.


The CGC would, in all its ministries work cohesively in harmony to reach set goals and objectives of their respective ministries. The Core People Group must work within respective line and assist each other in complimenting the program conducted by a ministry in the local church. If the Women’s Ministry is running a program the youths, the men’s the music and media must compliment them in providing supportive roles to ensure they achieve short term goals. Within each

respective ministry, CGC encourages all ministries to adapt “Team Spirit,” where key players must work together for God to be glori ed. The respect of leadership, submission in following directives, willing to help, sharing meals together and clothed with humility in the way to forge Team Spirit.

This flower must grow into a tree to produce different colors and we are to grow together in oneness. These ministries must be like the tree.


Ezekiel 1:16-20

All four wheels were alike; each one shone like a precious stone, and each had another wheel intersecting it at right angles, 17 so that the wheels could move in any of the four directions. 18 The rims of the wheels were covered with eyes. 19 Whenever the creatures moved, the wheels moved with them, and if the creatures rose up from the earth, so did the wheels. 20 The creatures went wherever they wished, and the wheels did exactly what the creatures did, because the creatures controlled them.

The CGC has developed a simple concept to explain its internal and external ministry output and execution points. Here the Vision and Mission Statement is MERGED TOGETHER into a MINISTRY WHEEL to

further clarify the way it will operate. So all ministry leaders can see clearly the major objectives, how the operation machinery will work, and provide more clarity.

Ministry Wheel


The outer wheel is the Vision Statement of CGC as we have explained earlier. But how does this t in and where do the ministries get involved? When we look at the diagram all participants will notice the outer wheel is the world we are

attempting to reach with the Gospel of the Kingdom. Realize that it’s not just the job for the Clergies, but the whole Body of Christ at cornerstone to do ministry to our sphere of influence to advance the kingdom influence.


The spokes of the Wheel is the Mission Statement that each ministry and individual member of this church will carry out in their place of work, at homes, amongst peers, in professional gathering and in church groups. As each person fulfills their spiritual duties in doing their ministry according to Ephesian 4:13, we will experience a Spiritual Tsunami sweeping across this nation.

The spokes also represent our CGC Media Ministry output in the radio and TV ministries and other impact program we coordinate to reach the nations. God will release His blessing and anointing upon

a church that complies to His work and His spirit. If Cornerstone Gateway Church can fall into this category, then the re of heaven can fall on the nation. Whatever we do in fulfilling our responsibility in ministry to a child or a youth, just like Esther in the bible. Today an orphan is a nobody, but years later she became the Queen of Persia. You never know the influence you instill in little John or Mary, until he/she becomes a successful accomplisher in the future. You just say that was my sacrifice. Therefore, all ministries must give their best shot to achieve their dreams.


The inner bearing is what holds the whole mechanism together and that is the CGC core ministries. The power is generated from within each and every one of us who is involved in ministry. Starting from the Pastoral Team, Board elders, Deaconship, Ministry Leaders and Members of each ministry are to move

this machine in to motion to create a momentum. When the CGC Inner Bearing is greased and oiled or anointed by the Holy Spirit, the speed in which it will spin is beyond imagination. God is moving fast and we must be moving fast as well to fulfill His purpose before his Son comes back.


In Ezekiel 1:16-20, the prophet saw a wheel moving Gods very presence and the glory move out of the temple. Servants of God, if God is ever going to come the same

way he left, we can stir our hearts and spirit to create our ministry wheel, so God can use us in these prophetic days. LET THE WHEEL START ROLLING IN JESUS NAME!